maria esquivias / currently 36.9741° n, 122.0308° w
I am visual designer born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and a graduate of San Jose State University with a BFA in graphic design. I grew up in the redwood forest and along the beaches of Santa Cruz, CA and in the past few years managed to make my way back to this oasis in the trees. Returned from my second home of Cape Town, South Africa, I’ve spent the past two years working at Giro Sport Design as a Product Graphic Designer creating with the best.
I am a highly passionate and competitive person. I love not only design, but anything in the outdoors, the the beautiful game of football (real football, not American football), and any chance to travel and explore the world around me.
Bruce Lee once said, "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own". This is my anthem for design. I love to create not only beautiful designs but impactful ones as well. I love creating new things each day, growing, and learning from others around me. I study, draw, and create. I don't just exist, I live.